3 calming moves to disarm your career change demons

If your career change efforts are dogged by confidence crunching rants from your inner demons – you’re not alone.

Let these monologues go unchecked and your carefully rehearsed peak performance can fall completely flat.

Here is what I recommend to help calm your demons when they start giving you the job seeking jitters. 

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UnstuckJo Green
Making sense of Myers Briggs

I’m intrigued by personality profiling tools designed to help unravel and map the mystery of who I am. Among the many useful tools I use with my career coaching clients, I’ve found the Myers Briggs Type indicator both insightful and practical.

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What CareerJo Green
3 ways to make healthy comparisons

Comparisons can be brilliant motivators, highlighting or reflecting your strengths and aspirations. However, if comparisons usually leave you feeling ’worse off, worse at and worse than’ pretty much everyone, perhaps its time to change the way you make them.

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UnstuckJo Green
Putting your strengths to work

The Values in Action (VIA) Survey of Character Strengths is a simple, practical self-assessment that identifies and ranks your core characteristics and strengths. It is one of my favourite tools and I’ve seen many clients use it to create positive changes in their own and others lives.

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What CareerJo Green
Finding your feet after failure

‘Fall down 7 times stand up 8’  - this pithy Japanese proverb ‘Nana korobi ya oki’ invites us to practice resilience and self-belief. It advocates responding courageously to failure but it falls short of forecasting the outcome. 

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UnstuckJo Green