4 future focused ways to change careers during COVID-19

Are you crazy to change careers in these anxious, uncertain times?

Even in stable, prosperous times, changing careers is something of a monkey bar experience. You're hanging in space, and you have to move on. Have you got the strength and the smarts to grab the next rung?

Now, as COVID-19 upends everything, it probably feels like someone's greased the monkey bars and removed the carpet designed to cushion your fall.


It's a very human urge to hunker down and hibernate in a crisis. So, changing careers in a global pandemic may feel more than a bit bonkers.

However, if you're up for career reinvention, by choice or necessity, now is as good a time as any to get going. And indeed you aren’t alone in thinking about it, a survey shows 61% of woman are thinking about changing career post-pandemic.

These four future-focused moves may help.

Take the long view

Career change takes time, so does a pandemic. Even in deeply unnerving COVID-19 conditions, there's more than one brilliant career waiting for you out there. So, start figuring out your career change now.

Activate your career change curiosity and see where it leads you. If you don’t know what you want to do, how can you know if it will be hard to change into it? Do as much socially distant, COVID safe exploring as you can. That way you’ll be ready to move, pandemic or no pandemic, when the right opportunities arise.

Look for left field opportunities

While some industries are suffering horribly during the pandemic, others are booming.

If you're looking for a complete change, perhaps you'll find it in one of these growing sectors. If you think you can't reinvent yourself in a totally new industry, think again.

Take the long view, and you'll be good company. According to Heart Recruitment’s Cynthia Harris, forward thinking business leaders are looking to snap up talented people who are unexpectedly available in turbulent times.

Make the most of LinkedIn

LinkedIn profile writer Karen Tisdell, says that there's never been a better time to invest in this platform. Here's what she suggests:

  • Create a stand out profile. Really invest time to make sure your profile stands out (check out Karen’s LinkedIn profile for lots of great articles on how to do this)

  • Download and review your contacts. List the people working in or connected to fields and roles you're keen to explore.

  • Draft a simple, low-pressure message. Ask how they've been. Send an article or link to a site that could interest them.

  • Send contact requests to recruiters in exciting companies. Type 'talent' and your industry type or job function in the search bar. Refine your search by city and add names linked to your current contacts. Establish a link to potential new connections. They'll be more likely to accept your request.

Keep having safe career conversations


Career change is all about talking to people to understand their role and get a feel for what it's like to work in it, day in and day out. These conversations are now a prime source of intell about the impact of COVID-19 on the job market. You'll find out how companies and sectors are adapting, where there are opportunities to grasp and gaps to fill.

While the hidden job market myth is well and truly busted, loads of lovely jobs really do get filled by word of mouth.

Here are three creative ways to keep the conversations going in socially distant conditions.

  • Link up with like-minded career changers in some of these 10 inviting online places

  • Invite a new contact or a former colleague to combine some gentle, socially distant exercise with a career change chat

  • Schedule a regular phone or Zoom check in with your designated career change cheerleader.

    Finally, some sage advice from Katherine Mountford at KM Talent. “Changing careers, applying for jobs and coping with a global pandemic can be exhausting. While you are busy engaging on LinkedIn, optimising your CV and staying curious and connected, remember to call ‘time out.’ Focus on self care and find your support crew for mental support.”

Need help to navigate a COVID career change? I can help.

By Jo Green, Career Change Coach

I know that when you find what you love, heart and soul, your life changes. I work every day with people who are reshaping their current careers, starting new enterprises or searching for a new direction. Basically I help people who don’t like their job to figure out what to do instead!

As a Careershifters and Firework Advanced Certified Coach and experienced career changer myself, I can help you figure out what fulfilling work looks like for you.

Survive/LeaveJo Green